Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Should I quit and demand to be payed for my work?

since you dont have a contract you are not guaranteed the 500 dollars but if I were you I'd quit. Seems like you're really stressed out, and even 500 bucks isnt worth that amount of stress! see if you can get the 5oobucks but cant say for sure.

Hindus: symbolic meaning of Ramayan..?

I have a different answer. 'Ayanam' is the path or journey. Ramayana is Rama's Ayanam is Rama's journey

What easily accessible biological material will live the longest?

I'm an artist and have no scientific knowledge whatsoever (please excuse my basic language here). I require a simple biological sample e.g. like blood, saliva etc, that when placed under a microscope, it will stay 'alive' for at least 24 hours (longer the better). I tried using my blood and unfortunately it dried within a few minutes. The aim of my project is to have live organisms moving around when viewed under the microscope. Also, are there any particular liquids or techniques I could use to preserve the sample longer? I'm limited to only gl slides and slip covers. Also, please don't say sperm because its not an option. Many thanks for helping.

I need something to watch!?!?

watch The Bad Girls Club, Leverage, Trust Me, Lie To Me, Dollhouse, Friends, 90210, Desperate Housewives, Life on Mars, Brothers and SIsters...they are all good.

Sciench????please help?

hi..just wondering how much hydrochloric acid would be needed to titrate 25 cm cubed of sodium hydroxide...thank you

Marginal cost curve vs. marginal product of the variable resource?

Explain why the marginal cost curve must increase if the marginal product of the variable resource is decreasing.

Is this true? I've heard that our government is allowing the Chinese flag to be flown over our capitol.?

I heard that on China's day on independence their flag will be flown over our Capitol. What a sick, sad mess.

Good horror/gory movies to see?

Any recent/older movies that are gory and scary that are worth watching? I prefer more recent ones, but I know the older ones are more well put together while the recent ones just have better special effects. Thanks : )

When would be a great moment to ask out a guy?

i have no clue what so ever? get my friend to do it at recess i'm in 6th grade or like text him well if he has a cell?? WHEN??

What should I do about this situation with my parents? I know it's long, but I'm REALLY upset! PLEASE HELP!?

That is horrible. 12:30 isn't that bad especially if you are ping all your cles, keeping up with your ignments and you notice that it's not affecting your health. Honestly I really think that you should talk to a school counselor about these things that have been going on at home. It's not healthy that your parents are constantly putting you down. Please go talk to someone. It's the only way things are going to get better.

I smoked weed and now i fell depresed?

i somed some weed early today with some friends they left after about 2hours of staying and when they left and my high wore off i started missing my friends and felling real sad.... is this normal i really dont like felling so sad

Can magnets screw up a cars computer if used on front hood of car?

just needing to know this I have a plymouth Voyager mini van and wanted to know about putting a large magnetic sign on the hood of the car for advertising I have never seen it done before just wanted to know thanks

What was the town of Hershey, Pennsylvania called before Milton Hershey (and his board) purchased the land?

I know it's in Derry Township, and I recently learned that Hershey, PA land can't be bought, as it is all owned by the corporation of Milton Hershey. I was simply curious to know what the town was called before Hershey corporation purchased it. Thanks!

ANDY V answer me Now?

How do u want me to prove to u I'm 18 Look I'm 18 I have papers! Ur sn idiot for thinking that I'd lie y/a people just cause I don't look 18 does it mean u shuld automatically ume I'm not? When I say I am! N I havve no reason to lie n I have all the proof to prove I'm 18 explain to Andy he can't base my age on my looks yea I look young but I'm 18! Help me people please

Where are these Catholic quotes from?

try googling st frncis and use biblegateway...I dont recognize them.. the one that says 19 is from the Bible..

What do you think of this one?

Very thoughtful and well said. "Synchronicity" would not be my first choice but I can see how you went with it.

Animals smaller on islands than on continents?

I have a biology ignment that asks about animals that evolve to be smaller on islands than they are on big continents. I already have dwarf elephants and finches. Any more?

I am going to Prix de l'arc de triumph horse race in October, can you tell me the dress code or other info.

i went in 2000 when sinndar won a fantastic race,just beating are expected to go that extra should go suited if you dont wished to be looked down upon.keep your money in your shoe.there are lots of kids who pick pocket.its heaving there so they can do it without gettinted.hope you have a brilliant time.i had brilliant time.

Creative gift ideas for my friend?

bra sounds wrong, don't send her a bra..she can do it herself. But the rest is good. What about sending her a teddy bear and she can hug it if she feels frustrated?

What is a movie that can relate to this?

is there a movie that is based on a relationship where a girl treats a guy right, and she loves him with all her heart and cares so much about her but than later on the guy leaves her for another girl and he forgets abut her and all the wonderful things they did together, and the girl feels upset and depressed because she loved him so much and he left her and she can't get over him for ages and one day she finds a guy that treats her right that she deserves and her ex comes back coz he realizes that the one that ever loved him was the one he let go and what he did to that girl how he left her the same happens to him and he soon knows what is like when someone you love leaves you for someone else, but the guy was too late to take that girl he let go back, is there a movie like that?

Poem, read and comment?

I can feel a very deep sense of hurt in your poem as a result of your betrayal by a friend. Your last stanza recognizes the need to move on. Keep writing

Name the epic song?

what is the name of the epic song that plays in the background of "throw it up" by lil john? its a song used in a bunch of epic movies and movie previews such as lord of the rings narnia and other films

All forms of government are fundamentally good.?

Including; Fascism, Communism, Despotism, Meritocracies, Pan-Anarchism, Oligarchies, Kakistocracy, Feudalism(including the Shogunate), and Monarchies(constitutional and absolute), Do you agree?

Can a person recovered from morphine still get cravings years later?

Doesn't matter what it is, there is no cure for an addiction. You may quit for the rest of your life but there will always be that "just once won't hurt" feeling within you.

Help! How do I get the windows Disk spyware off my computer!?

I have this virus on my computer. I keep deleting it off of my desktop and restarting it but it keeps reappearing. It is called "windows disk" it is a fake security alert that tries to make me purchase a program. I ran My Mcafee nd Norton Virus protection. It still is there. There is also something called Windows security alert that pops up every few seconds on my screen. Any computer experts out thee who can help me please????

Would Palmer's Cocoa er lighten dark ?

Palmer's Cocoa er works on scar tissue to lighten them and reduce the appearance. It would not work on because it's not scar treatment. Try skin lighting lotions. There are many out there. Good luck to your sister!

Is this a good gamming setup ?

hdmi is a video standard, not sure why yout think it needs to be on your mother board. also, dvi is the same video signal as hdmi less the sound. so if your running computer speakers or head phones then then it doesnt really matter. it only matters when you want sound from your tv or receiver.

Can the Lakers steal a deal from the Grizzlies again?

I wish the Grizzlies were just traded to the wnba already, and trade the four decent players they have in mayo, gay,conely and warrick to help other teams out, because lets face it. The Grizzlies only shot to win a championship is in the wnba good game. Maybe Kwames and Darkos overrated talent could help them there

Who would win in a 5 vs 5?

Team 1 because pau gasol got rebound, tracy and vince got points, harris got speed, and chandlier got everything

Physics help.A 7.0-g bullet is fired into a 1.5-kg ballistic pendulum.?

A 7.0-g bullet is fired into a 1.5-kg ballistic pendulum. The bullet emerges from the block with a speed of 200 m/s, and the block rises to a maximum height of 10.6 cm. Find the initial speed of the bullet.

What Xbox 360 game should I review for a project?

Halo 3. it is a good choice because it is exclusively on xbox, unlike brink orange box portal black ops etc. plus it is almost xbox's iconic game. black ops would be a good one also because although it is not exclusively on xbox, it is still a revolutionary series and one of the best selling game titles ever.

How can I know if this guy likes me? He's Russian.?

He might just be shy. He might like you so much that he is scared to scare you away. Also given the fact that you two are from different cultures, his way of showing you that he likes you might be different than yours. If you want him to make a move, give him hints.

A question about crock pot roasts?

i wanted to start a pot roast for mt husband to eat when he gets home, but it totally slipped my mind and i needed to have it going two hours ago! is it possible now to load up the crock pot and put it on high for two hours then reduce heat to low for the remaining time? will it turn out ok?

I enlisted with the Marine Corps 2 weeks ago. Im now in the DEP program, boot camp next month. Read below.?

May 22 i got into a car crash. No one else was involved but me. I crashed into a tree. What will happen if the State (florida) decides to charge me with a case or something? Because a family friend got into a car accident about 2 or 3 months ago, and they just pressed charges on him a week or 2 ago. And before I was enlisted They did a police check on me and found no pending cases or tickets. What will happen if they do decide too put a ces on me, while im at basic training or already a Marine. Thanks

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Christians- To the ones that think onece you are saved you are always saved?

Did you know that the word of God says without Holyness nobody will see the Lord. And God means every word of it. Faith without works is dead. So if you go to church and belive in Jesus and confess Jesus but still get drunk everyday, comitt murder, commit fornification( before marrage) take drugs such as cocain etc and you die without repentin you will end up in hell. If you go to church and do not tithe even it is a small amount you will go to hell. The world of God says that you must give 10 percent of your income. If you do not tithe you are robbing God and he will not bless you. The world says chose this day whom you will serve. Are you a luke warm christian or are your cold or are you on fire for God? You will know a tree by its fruit. Jesus did say the road to life is hard and narrow and a few people enter it. Your name will be removed from the book of life if you commit any of the above. Jesus said the lying, unbelieving, the ual immoral, slander, adultary, murdere will

When am i gonna stop feeling guilty about the deat of my honey?

Hi Loops, you're hurting and you're angry, i can understand that but blaming yourself will only make your grief more profound and effect you longer than it should. We all love our pets, they become our family and sometimes, mean more to us than that although non pet lovers will never understand that. You loved her deeply and she loved you, would she want you to be so grief stricken that you can't move on? I really don't think so. You gave her all your love and attention and couldn't have done more for her than you did. Listen Loops, this isn't about money, its about a higher power we know nothing about, something we can never understand. God gave her to you to love and cherish and, in honeys case, no one said it was forever. She was desperately ill Loops, she would NOT have recovered from what she had, a million pounds would not have saved her. It was her time, we all have a time to go and that time was hers. I know it wasn't a nice way to lose her but when our times up, its up! Some pets are killed by cars, horribly injured and some lose their little lives at the hands of their ' owners ', beaten and starved to death. Honey had the best of the best and had a great life with you Loops, you know it and she knew it. You will see her again one day, when your times up! Until then, be pleased that you gave her your all, that she was happy and loved and well cared for and concentrate on your existing pets, give them the love you gave her and spare a thought for their feelings too, they've lost their friend just as you have. Be good to yourself and take care x A tiny flower, lent not given, to bud on earth and bloom in heaven.

Does anyone know what song this is?

There was this music video that i saw probably over a year ago on the Vh1 top 20 countdown and it was like this guy building a house of card and then he goes into it and there are card everywhere and there are like windows or something where the band is. for a while i thought it was house of cards by radiohead, but it definitely isn't and i'm not sure why i thought it was. anyway i've been looking for this song forever so ya. thanks

Why does islam lay claim to the dome of the rock?

mohammed was never in jerusalem in his life,he never climed up and down a lader into heaven from the rock to visit god, he did not jump from the rock into heaven. the dome of the rock belongs to israelits period....jesus has a history in jerusalem and in the temple..mohammed died in bed. was buried in the ground and that is where he is today...

Limewire/Frostwire question?

im just wondering, why do such downloading sites as limewire, frostwire,ares,ect. make free versions of their sites, when the whole file sharing thing is supposed to be illegal? Tons of people use limewire, ect. and have been doing it for years, so why dont they just get rid of the whole free option? people are gonna do whats free!!

Where do you think I will have the most rewarding career? Corporate or Education?

I do not mean in monetary terms. I worked in the corporate world for the past 7 years. I recently quit after completing my graduate degree. I am continuing my education for another degree in Higher Education. I would love to work in a college/university environment, but my previous degree leaves me open to a corporate job. The biggest issue I had with my previous employer was the lack of fulfillment in the work ( among other things). I want to work in an industry where I can grow professionally (not some place that will offer me more money; I am single so I don't need much). Which industry do you believe is best? I currently work part-time as a contractor (doing something similar to what I was), perhaps I can do both?

How do i get visa if for thailand and malaysia??

i am flying to singapore then getting the train to malaysia, then thailand and lying home from bangkok. if you fly to these countries you get a visa on arrival does it still work the same if i arrive to the countries by train.

Fahrenheit 451 Question!?!?

Similes can get emotions conveyed to the reader in a more powerful way. In addition, they can just get the message across better and faster in much the same way they get emotions conveyed.

Why do people who post the most ridiculous answers not allow emails or IMS so we can call them out ?

Some arent even intelligent opionions let alone be even remotely credible. I believe putting your ideas out without giving someone a chance to rebut them is the height of cowardice.

Is this Okay?? Video card help?

You just need another pci-e slot (which you should have, I didn't read all the stuff you posted but i saw something about a pci x16 slot) to put it in. Check your power supply unit's wattage (400, 750, whatever) and make sure your power supply unit can handle the graphics card. And take out any old graphics card you might have installed.

I'm confused I thought in christianity you were not supposed to summon spirits, why do some churches summon?

The Holy Spirit is not some guy being brought back to the dead, nor calling on demons or any other kind of summoning. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity, kind of like how we're Mind Body Soul. And as for using the word 'summon' I don't know what you mean by that. I've never heard of a church holding a seance for God.

Whats on the NAVY PQS TEST at bootcamp ?

i leave for bootcamp on NOV .17 , what type of questions are on the NAVY PQS test to advance from E-1 to E-2 ? i have the DEP book ive studied a little but not sure what is on the test to study for

Which philosopher said this?

Aristotle on government..."When a change of constitution takes place, Kingship pes into Tyranny, because Tyranny is the bad form of monarchy, so that a bad king becomes a tyrant. Aristocracy pes into Oligarchy owing to badness in the rulers, who do not distribute what the State has to offer according to desert, but give all or most of its benefits to themselves, and always ign the offices to the same persons, because they set supreme value upon riches; thus power is in the hands of a few bad men, instead of being in the hands of the best men. Timocracy pes into Democracy, there being an affinity between them, inasmuch as the ideal of Timocracy also is government by the m of the citizens, and within the property qualifications all are equal. Democracy is the least bad of the perversions, for it is only a very small deviation from the constitutional form of government. These are the commonest ways in which revolutions occur in states, since they involve the smallest change, and come about most easily."

May 7th now Stimulus check should have gotten to me by may 2nd IRS Wasnt any help!?

last digs are 20 should have gotten the check dep into my account on the 2nd its the 7th my bank shows no trace of a incoming check. I meet all recruerments and cant get anyone on the phone from the IRS just recordings any clue whats goin on here or a way to contact the IRS and actually talk to a person?

How is the word 'pitch' a pun?

pitch is also an old fashioned word for black or dark, and that describes Romeo's mood, that's the only thing I can think of.

Why is future mother-in-law so upset that I want to do all the wedding activities with just my mom?

Word through the in-law gvine is that she is mad that I prefer to do all the bridal and planning stuff with my mom. Duh! She is my mom! FMIL's daughter married 2 years ago-I know she loved that time with her daughter and she understand why I want all that precious time with my mom. Why can't she allow me the same courtesy and not intrude? It just seems petty on her part and is only pushing me farther from her and reinforcing my negative impression of her.

Who would win in a battle? The Qin army or the Aztecs?

My clmates and I are comparing the most powerful armies of the world, my friend compared the Spartans vs. Vikings. lol

What is Isotope-131 and what harm can they do too people in the US?

I would suggest that U R chance of having a health problem with radiation so far released from Japan is nothing {literally} compared to that of a local tornado.

My girlfriends parents are crazy, help!?

I think you and her other friends need to remind her why you like her, and keep insisting that shes a good person. You and her friends can lead by example, for instance you should not be engaging in things that are not age appropriate, which means (no drinking, smoking, doing drugs, or having ). But do not be obvious about your refusal, just make it seem uncool. Just because she has fanatical parents, does not mean she needs to go off the deep end in order to teach them a lesson. She would be better off living her life as best she can, and trying her hardest to be a decent and caring individual who strives for success without compromising herself. The bright side of this is that she will be 18 in a couple of years and not have to hear about what sort of person she is daily, by her parents who obviously do not know how to raise kids, if they allow their 16 year old daughter to go AWOL and not take positive steps to redirect her without alienating her. She will be better off!

Brian Kendricks new look ?? WQ ??

His new look is great, His old one was the one that was corny. Paul London and Brian Kendrick looked so stupid like preteens

Need help with lug spacing?

hey, do you know if the lug spacing on a 1985 prelude (4 lug) is 100mm or 108mm??? I can't seem to find this anywhere.. thanks

Is our Dog getting better?

Eating and drinking are GOOD signs. Her body was just ridding itself of the shrimp. Try giving her rice with her regular food (easy to digest). If after a few days she still has diarrhea call your vet for a check up.

I have to do a collage...I need help on what images to use!!?

I have to do a collage on my favorite quote, which is "Be the Change You Wish To See In the World"-Gandhi. The images on my collage have to display how you could live out your quote. Well I need ideas on what images to use for it. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Do you want to know what being a religious martyr means?

It can mean whatever you want it to mean because religion is not bases on an objective justification, so there can be no perversion of it. Mull that over.

Democrats for McCain?

I loved Hillary and I worked hard to get her elected but since Obama is our democratic nominee I will definitely support him in November. Hell would have to freeze over before I supported an insane old fart like mcbush! I would never be as irresponsible as electing another republican to lead our country down the same road it's been on for the last 8 years! I hope everyone that voted for Hillary will consider supporting Obama now because if we don't help him win the white house, we are going to be in deep, deep doo-doo! I'm serious y'all!

Is there a such thing as bi-curiousity?

My friend thinks Im bi!!! But I dont wanna be.....I was a and bi-phobic....for the majority of my life and then I acceptd my friend as who she was!!!~ But now I look at her diffrently....I dont know if I like her....cuz I kinda think thats a little discusting! But sometimes I catch myself thinking about her in a weird way. I try to snap out of it.....but sometimes it just shoots back at me. BUT AT THE SAME TIME ...I THINK 'S, BI'S AND LEBOS ARE GROSS!!!! (no offense to anyone out there)HELP.........whats my case?

What happened to girls like normal guys?

well i still like normal guys for me one piercing is enough and not everyone is a zac efron fan. Dont worry some of us normal girls are still out there.

Static on my Sirius Radio?

So I bought a Sirius radio yesterday and it's hooked in and working. Problem is I get quite a bit of static through the speakers. I've already found an optimal station to play through. Is there anything else that could cause the static? Should I be using the extended FM Transmitter that came with it? Should I continue to look for alternative stations to play through? Should I just get in professionally installed and not deal with it? Any help would be appreciated.

Does the trauma of war buside the more you are exposed to it ?

Many American soldiers return from one or 2 tour of duties traumatized. However (surviving) Wehrmacht soldiers killed 100s of soldiers over several years, if they were in the right ss units they offed whole cities (civilians) some ended up even pows for 10+ years and although they prolly dreamed some of it up at night they lived on pretty normal lives. Does the initial suffered traum subside if somone is exposed to more of it and it becomes "normal" ?

Worried about one of my hamsters. He pretty much stays in his tower and has never run on the exercise wheel.?

I have 2 Syrian hamsters, both 4 months old. The female seems to be fine. But my male called Astro, seems to be having a few problems. I am seeking advise and to find out if he is behaving normally or not. He is very nice and lets me pick him up or eats out of my hand without any problems. He is kinda lazy though and I have not once seen him get on the exercise wheel. He is in a Here and There 2 cage with a Crittertrail Tower on top of it. He pretty much always hangs out in the tower and never wonders down. By comparison to the female he hardly ever wonders about. In fact I have worried that he wasnt drinking and went up and took the bottle to the tower to make sure he was taking drinks. I have an exercise ball and he doesnt seem to enjoy it much. Yet he is just so loving when I hold him and looks at me and is so not afraid of me and will sit on my hand without wiggling about, like she does. I feel duty bound to ask for help, especially since he is such a nice hamster.

How cruel is AFL Adelaide Brodie Martin needs a knee reconstruction?

What about Tim Ruffles from Freo he also did his knee in his second match on the weekend. He didn't even make contact with anyone, he was just running and fell over, now he is out for 12 months.

How do the chinese get the "chi" or "prana" and harness its power?

Chi, or Pranav simply exist as concepts we call energy. They are gathered and focused through breathing exercises.

What do you think of the Arab city construction in Malacca ?

I smell a new type of socio-economic colonialism... It seems that the arabs are taking over Malaysia.... I dun understand why the menteris are more interested in licking the pants of the those oil rich sheikh compare to helping promote eco-toursim of our own people , as we malaysians ?? why don't the malaysian goverment build a huge chines heritage theme park like tiger balm in singapore ? why don't the goverment build a big huge malay cultural theme park ??? y don't the goverment built an indian cultural theme park?? why don't the goverment help promote eco-tourism to promote orang asli culture or even orang asli theme park ?? why a god damned big arab city ?? it seems our goverment is interested in arabisizing all of us until we loose our own culture.. i am speaking as a Bumiputra who cares about all fellow Malaysians and the beauty of of our mother land .. Not as a legally defined bumiputra

How can I keep my hair straight without it getting poofy?

I have curly hair, but when I flat iron it sometimes it gets reallllyyy poofy like i have realyyy thick hair. Is there a product or solution to this problem? I do use Frizz-ease for the frizz but its still not like smooth down it like has too much volume or something- and I just got a hair cut ( it's not that different at all than what it was, it was just a trim and it waslike this before..:) Oh and i use a CHI and I really dont wanna replace it. I also have layers but there isn't a lot of em:)

How can i deal with a brit man who tells me that i can never move to america and they do not like me & will?

Just ignore the jerk. There is no good reason to let what he thinks have any power over you. You are wasting good energy having negative thoughts against this person.

Religiously confused - Catholicism, Atheism, Agnosticism, Pentecostalism?

So was the Pentecostal style you enjoyed the type that takes up serpents and drinks poison, or just the type that rolls around in the church aisle?

Really Hard Physics Question!?

In Fig.10-47, two 5.80 kg blocks are connected by a mless string over a pulley of radius 2.00 cm and rotational inertia 7.40 � 10^-4 kg�m^2. The string does not slip on the pulley; it is not known whether there is friction between the table and the sliding block; the pulley's axis is frictionless. When this system is released from rest, the pulley turns through 0.800 rad in 170 ms and the acceleration of the blocks is constant. What are (a) the magnitude of the pulley's angular acceleration, (b) the magnitude of either block's acceleration, (c) string tension T_1, and (d) string tension T_2? ume free-fall acceleration to be equal to 9.81 m/s2.

Marc Almond Soft Cell?

Ok this is a serious question, so if you don't know then don't answer. Ok, so was Marc Almond from Soft Cell gay? Not saying anything that there's anything wrong with it but I just wanna know. He's kinda cute ^^ "Touch me baby Tainted love Touch me baby Tainted love" <3

Amateur rally races in North America?

i know that they have amateur rally races here in the NW(oregon,washington), and they are scca sanctioned. So maybe you could look em up through the scca. As far as practice, my friend and i are building a rally car to race and we practice on logging roads. you just need some radios, and one or two friends to shut down the road myour driving on.

What is my dachshund mixed with?

Maggie was running the streets with no collar, some teenager's said she was a stray in their neighborhood Port Huron, MI. This isn't the best photo, but she is 11 pounds, measures 14" long collar to tail, neck is 4" long, front legs 5-6" long, thin & curled up pointed tail, brown paws & chest, big floppy ears, lot's of energy like a puppy, jumps very high and runs fast, very cuddly, lap dog, burrows her nose, snuggles up and sleeps under the covers.

Is This A Good Gaming Chipset?

No, Pentium Dual Core processors are the worst line of Intel dual core processors, and they're very slow. They can't run 3D games smoothly that are made in 2004.

What should I do with my lineup? should I put ortiz in for someone and should I play vlad when he gets back?

wow you have a line up straight out of an all star game. wait to see if ortiz is gonna get hot an you know you cant take albert out. you got a good outfield so its up to you on vlad idk..


I've been in his cl for two years already. We're really good friends and I have a crush on him. He steals my stuff and writes his name all over it... all the time. He doesn't do this to anyone else. He punches me lightly on the shoulder to get my attention. For other people, he just calls their name. He teases me a lot in front of his friends, but with a smile so I know he's kidding. But when we are alone in the school corridor, he's suddenly very quiet and acts awkward... and he's the most outgoing guy I know. He laughs at all the things I say, even when they're not funny. He says he doesn't like anybody... what do you think?

What's The Name Of That New Movie???

I saw a commercial with candice bergen or somthing (I can't remember her last name), she looks like martha stewart in a movie commercial, but i don't know the name of the movie.

Why all of sudden Australia became so horny?

There are ads about travel discount, kangaroos all over my browser now. What happened? Why it became so money hungry?

Satellite Radio Problems with Honda Civic?

I have a 2005 Honda Civic and have had static issues with my Sirius radio. They have sent me a new radio, and I am supposed to install an FM OUT line close to the car antenna, however I do not know where the antenna is (there is no physical external antenna and its not listed in the cars manual). Any help would be appreciated!

Could someone interpret this awesome dream I had?

I think that it is about your relationship with your boyfriend, Chris and since it was a good dream, it means your relationship is going in a good direction. The stars can mean excellence, success, aspirations or high ideals or you could be evaluating a situation, and since it was about your boyfriend and the stars were really bright it means that you are rating your relationship highly. The rocket means that your plans or ideas will take off in a big way. I hope I helped a little bit.

Can someone please translate these Finnish lyrics? (Eriskummainen Kantele)?

Here is another translation and music video: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What channel is gossip girl really on?

You're all saying CW as if I know what number that really is, so can you tell me the channel? I live in Brampton, Ontario and have Basic Cable. Where is it.

A good start for my book?

I thought your story was good. You set up a situation and you can develop on it in any way you choose!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Should I trade Jimmy Rollins and Pablo Sandoval for Torii Hunter and Zack Greinke?

As of now my team is based around hitting. I ahve Hanley Ramirez at shortstop so its hard for me to play Rollins. Michael Young has been amazing so I play him over Sandoval... Is this trade worth doing?

In the afl can you get gravy with you hot dogs at AAMI?

You have to call in the day before. If you forget though call into KFC on the way and grab one of their gravy tubs

Ladies..I need your advice!?

I think you just had a bad period, sometimes when you get it in your head that you might be preggo then your body responds to that by not having a period. Just relax you will know when you are pregnant. It is not what you would imagine it to feel like.

Worst songs ever??????

the one who made that top 20 worst songs ever has the worstiest mind in the world... Because what is beautiful is worst for him/her... He/she didn't know the meaning of worst and best...

Why Do Girls Only Want Metroual Pretty Boys?

Umm...........I have seen the opposite. I'm a pretty metro guy and have a hard time getting girls if any at all. I see ugly, big guys having REALLY attractive girls and I'm like WTF?!!?!

College Acceptance University of Georgia?

Hey I am from florida and i go to a private prepaotry school. (very hard, doesnt weight grades, all honors cles) and i have a 3.0 GPA. ive been varsity track and cross country for 3 years and working on my forth next year. I am in FCA. On my PSAT in said id get between an 1080-180 on my SAT and im a good tester so i might even do better. Do you think its possible i could get into Univeristy of Georgia??

Why do I keep poohing out quartzite?

A week ago I noticed that there was hard pebble like pieces in my pooh. I thought that maybe it was my diet or something. I started eating a healthy diet the past few days and it didn't change anything, the hard pebble pieces were still there. I went to the doctor with a stool sample yesterday so he could yse it. Today he told me that the hard pieces are quartzite and that it was bizarre and he couldn't figure out why it's there. Can any of ye tell me? I'm started to get freaked out cause the doctor was looking at me like I was a freak or something.

Why do people honestly care whether or not other people are gay?

I think allot of people have pent up guilt about . They also have desire to have gay . They can not act on these feeling because their religion has taught them to view as evil.

Is this a good story?

Honestly I would not carry on reading. If, for three pages, all that we heard about was her being a lifeguard I would put it down. Your character comes across as pretty whiny, and basically we are hearing about things that most readers wouldn't really care about. You should introduce your main plot as soon as possible instead of just rambling on about things which don't really matter.

Cardy UGGS?

OMG i love the cardy uggs! I'm getting some in November, can't wait! so yeah if they start to fall down the just take a safety pin and pin them to your pants or wear flare jeans and tuck the in. that way there will be alot of fabric from the flare to hold the pants up. what color did you get?

Searching for advice from people who have done a backpacking trip through Europe?

Think about starting in Dublin. Then you can take a trip to Belfast, and then go to London. From there you can circle around Germany and end up there for your b'day.

GUYS AND GIRLS? Do you think he likes me? Should I text him or wait? 10 points?

Text him on Thursday. "Hey-- just seeing what you're up to tomorrow night. Want to catch a movie or something?"

Can you wash your Bratz doll's hair with normal human shampoo or will their hair get messed up?,r:6,s:0&biw=1291&bih=477

Should Sci-Fi play more anime?

I know they have the whole Ani Monday thing but that only last for a hour!!!! I think Sci-Fi should ad anime to their daily programing because I would love nothing more than to be able to flip to a station and see some random anime I 've never seen before it gives you more room for exploration. I also beilive that this would help increase anime's reputation in the U.S. I would get the Funimation Channel but the company I use doesn't offer it.

Atheist, how do you explain this paradox in science? If you are closer to the sun it is hotter yet?

being on the top of a mountain in the day time is colder than being at sea level and yet science says the earth revolves around the sun

Drop WR Eddie royal for WR Jacoby Jones ??? *Kick return league*?

Well first of all I'd start driver over harvin driver is a monster right now and harvin against GB dont count on it...but for a kick returner yea jacoby jones is good

Opinions and tips on selling on eBay...?

It's been my experience that, hour for hour, you're not going to be able to make a "living" wage selling hand-crafted products on eBay. Most people there are looking for bargains, and that's what you're up against. You would probably have better luck reselling supplies (i.e. fabrics, laces, etc.) to supplement (and draw traffic to) your doll dresses.

What is the ideal for measures 35-38 of the Adagio movement of Beethoven's 5th Piano Concerto?

I can't seem to figure out what will work best for the parallel thirds in both hands. And for that matter, what is the best for the trills in the next section? Thank you to all!!

What is the average size of a "shooting star"?

Thanks for the details in your answer... Also,just about how fast do the meteors strike the upper atmosphere most of time on average? Thank you for your detailed answer.... Cindy Stiz

What do you guys think about Forsett this year?

I like Forsett but I think he's going to lose goalline touches to Leon Washington. Plus Seattle brought Jones back. Seattle O-line is horrible as well. He will have value in PPR leagues because they will do a lot of dump offs and screens.

The first space exploration milestones was?

The Russians had the first artificial satellite and the first man in space. And the first EVA. The Americans caught up and had the first rendezvous and docking and the first moon landings.

Is disposure a synonym of temperament?

merriam-webster's online dictionary said disposure was an archaic word, but I thought it was still similiar to temperament or disposition.

McCann's lies and inventions will turn public against them?

Good Question CT - and I agree 100%. Why is all this crap just being spouted now - why not WEEKS ago? Maybe it would still have been crap - but it would have had a bit more credibility!

How much cheaper is the Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham than "normal" shops?

I was wondering if anyone can tell me roughly how much cheaper things are at the Jewellery Quarter? Is it a marginal amount or quite a big difference?

Help with a 2.0 layout on myspace?

i just changed my profile to 2.0 and i need to know how to center,bold,underline, and strike out text...[if u can do dat in 2.0] change color nd font style

What is a good way to cope?

With the fact that you go from having a wife and 3 little kids, to nothing because a truck driver got tired? Do you forgive the truck driver even though the pain is so severe you want to do him bodily harm? Can somebody give me some advice to cope with this intense pain? Should I see a professional?

Dont know what to

ive liked my best guy friend for a long time. &this year i started middle school&made a lot of new friends. every weekend me&him hangout. bt i made this new friend tht i became really close to. i told her i liked him a lot. then like a week later he decided he liked her&she went out with him. and they broke up. and they went out again&broke up. i wasnt really mad tht she went out with him (even though every1 thinks it was so nasty) bt she always rubs it in my face&stuff&hugs him and shes being so nasty about the whole thing. it got so bad tht i de activated my facebook&stopped hanging out&talking to her. i cnt even sleep this is bothering me so much. &she dosnt have a lot of other friends bc she kinda lies alot. &she keeps writing stuff of facebook&formspring bout how horrible her life is cause every1 is mad at her. &now the guy i like is getting mad at me for doing this to her? he wants me to jst be her friend &get over it. bt he dosnt get how she makes me feel. and she treats him so bad! she like hits him&stuff! she makes fun of him&steals his phone. i tell her to stop all the time, bc it really bothers me to see tht. she even admitted i liked him more &she does tht. and he still likes her! &whenever i say something to him about it he says "im used to it". if i was going out with him i would treat him so good! ugh.honestly i want him to like me, bt i want him to be happy. shes so mean to him& he knows i lke him&idt he really cares. idk wht to do about this whole thing. omg im so lost

Why can't it run faster?

i have a dell b110 and Nod32 smart secuirty when i start my comp up i notice winlogon.exe and ls.exe take up a vast amount of CPU space and ,slows my comp down extremely. Is there anyway i can kill or do something abut them so they don't take up all up it? Since its usually up to 100% cpu space full.

Where can i find a manual 92 prelude wiring harness? ive looked on ebay and all thats there is an automatic?

my friend needs to get his car back running and this is the final thing he needs. any ideas of where we can find a used one?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

English question! PLEASE HELP! thankssomuch?

in a novel its supposed to be underlined or italicized, in a short story its supposed to be in quotations.

What kind of License needed for a Day Care Worker?

You don't need a license, but you will be required (by any decent and legitimate day car facility) to undergo a background check which might mean they will not or cannot hire people under 18. Some states also will allow you to become "licensed" (I'm not sure the word they specifically use for it) to provide care and be reimbursed by the state for qualifying clients (who do have to apply for this service before you can be paid for caring for their children).

Where can I find this specific font (and/or what is it called?)?

where can i find a font like some sports teams use, where the last letter ends in a curve that goes back and underlines the previous letters?

Homeschoolers-- do you ever?

My 10 y.o. daughter has never been to school and has no desire to go. She has a lot of public school friends that tell her how lucky she is to be homeschooled. She gets to study what she wants, when she wants. She doesn't have homework. She can have sleepovers in the middle of the week. She typically accomplishes what her schooled friends do in less than 3 hours a day. She gets to spend a lot of time with her parents. What's not to like.


I was flipping channels and I think I ped READING RAINBOW or some such show. They were reviewing a book I think was called MONSTER DAD or MY DAD WAS A MONSTER. The guy said it was a story about a boy who had an unusual looking father. When I looked the dad looked like a big burly biker. I can't find the book anywhere therefore I think I have the title wrong.

92 4 door Integra exhaust.?

preludes are longer than they look. longer than a 2 door teg. u should check honda-tech clifieds. i had a custom cat back made with a magnaflow canister for my old 89 prelude, (Magnaflow didnt make one for that car) i think that ran me around 380. its only a couple of mandrel bends and a quick weld. sounds like they might be trying to take advantage of your desperation. find a magnaflow dealer in your area and call em up. u can search on believe, just google their website, theyll locate some in your area) good luck

How do we know that Leonardo Da Vinci came up with ideas of the helicopter and parachute?

he has detailed drawings of them - apparently the helicopter would not have worked. His hang-glider would work . . .not sure about the parachute.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr weighs 15 pounds heavier than Zbik, were you surprised?

Zbik only dehydrated to 8 pounds while Chavez Jr dehdyrates to 20 pounds which is the highest in his career. Chavez Jr. weighs 180 on the right and yesterday he was only 160. Do you think Chavez is trying to increase his power by perhaps risking his speed?

What would you name these little angels? �.� ( 10 points )?

theres no way in hell im going to look at all of those. there is way to many pics to look at so im not even going to bother to answer the question. i just want the 4 points

Studying abroad for a summer! Which country?

I think you should go where you have your heart set. I can tell you Italy is amazing, it IS like a big construction sight (lots and lots of guys will be hitting on you especially if you are a blonde!) they hit on everyone and dont care which is kind of annoying, but the places are beautiful and the food is amazing, its unforgettable. Out of those I've also been to Spain, only a short period of time but aesthetically it was incredible, I still liked Italy better. Also went to Turkey, very fun, fun people, lots of great shopping. I would DEFINITELY skip Mexico please dont go there. It is very dangerous right now, their president just got murdered there, the drug cartel is taking over so badly that they are thinking of legalizing all drugs. Also several tourists go tehre and never come back, and while some parts are pretty a lot of it is very ugly and dirty and disgusting. Two tourists were shot there as they laid on the beach, please dont go there. Anyway those were the only ones I went to, my parents went to Sweden and loved it, its up to you I hope I've helped!

Break a Leg by John O' Brien?

Has anyone seen this play? is it funny? which characters have a lot of lines? Does Les Peterson have a lot of lines? Please answer me. 10 Points for best answer

Is this true about Fergie from Black Eyed Peas................?

Is it true that Ciara challenged Fergie to a dance off before, and Fergie prettymuch wiped the floor with Ciara, beat Ciara in 4 consecutive rounds to win 4-0.....and was just basically kicking Ciara's through the whole dance off?

I have a question about vehicle repossession.?

My husband had a car loan through a bank and he surrendered it last week. At one point we had a joint checking through the same bank that financed the car. I closed that account and opened a new one in my name only. He was the only signer on the car loan and I am the only signer on the checking account. Can the bank take money from my account to pay the delinquent loan?

Is it Real or Just pure Coincidence?

No, it isn't. They are all slaves to the NWO...been Michael Jackson was until he got sick of their evilness, and look at what happened to him.

Der Spiegel, #1 German magazine said that 48% of Germans fear Bush more than Iran. When do Bush/Cheney resign?

Bush is never gonna resign in fact he will declare martial law in 2008 suspending elections and becoming a full time Tater!

Thailand to Indonesia?

Bus from Krabi to Nakhon Si Thammarat. Train to Kuala Lumpur, changing at erworth (Penang). Local bus to Port Klang, about 40 km west of Kuala Lumpur. Ferry to Sumatra.

How do I stop my Blackjack2 from freezing upon startup?

How do I stop my black jack 2 from freezing? Whenever I start my blackjack 2 it freezes after 4-5 seconds of being on the main screen.

Seat Belts in School Buses?

Is this something you were igned or you chose that position. Personally I'd prefer seatbelts for the little darlings, especially for accidents involving rollovers.

Help with my research paper on Poland?!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Help pleeease! my boot files are missing and corruptC:\Windows\HIMEM.SYS, C:\Windows\DBLBUFF.SYS, C:\Windows\

If you have a recovery disk or OS disk, then you can load in recovery mode and copy the files back into windows overwriting the corrupt ones.

Why is everyone against wenger?

because he doesn't win trophies, no 1 is criticizing how he runs a club, he got them a new stadium, doesn't spend money, create their talents and also financially safe, but with that stability, the trophies are only missing plus even when he create talents, he also needs world cl players, like a defender and goalkeeper, i think vermaelen, djourou and koscielny are good enough for 1st team, squilaci needs to leave but the goalkeeper is the only problem, if arsenal does win the league, then i'm sure arsenal fans and maybe the media would criticize him less

Affirmative action: Necessary or just racist?

All races are equal, yet affirmative action says they're different. It favors minorities over white people.

Why are Liberals so stuck on Palin's daughter and why the double standard?

Fear !!! The Dems know there is now blood in the water and the sharks are circling around their boy Obama. Its going to be a bloodbath once the debates begin and they know it.

My sister in-law has returned from spain after 3 years with 109 stitches in her leg after an abusive relations?

My sister in-law has returned from spain after 3 years with 109 stitches in her leg after an abusive relationship, she has came back with nothing and is living with us, my wife phoned the jobcentre plus to find out how she goes about making a claim for incapacity benefit and was told she will need to take a habitual test and told she will not p it and try again in a few months..We are all white british citizens born here with english parents and NI numbers since we started work...This does not sound right to me and will phone myself but wondered if anyone knew the crack...I have had to deal with the jobcentreplus in the past and they didn't have a clue what dept i needed etc etc. And these are supposed to help us taxpayers but dont know a thing and push you from pillar to post, is this man talking out his backside.

Does anyone want THE SIMS 2 (PC) for FREE?

i bought it at circuit city but didnt like it. i dont want to sell it on ebay cause its too much trouble and its not worth selling a 2/3 year old game. yes im giveing it away free. i will send it to you free. i this is not a scam, and if it was its gota be the worst one ever. yes i will need your address no im not going to stalk you and im not a pervert. please dont report this question. because i wanna get rid of it. dont want to take it in and trade it cause i dont play pc games. just thought the sims 2 looked like a fun game. but theres just too much stuff to do on it. again im not some kind of freak or pervert/stalker. you can im me on windows live messanger and the 1st person who ims me can HAVE IT.

Easy points does this sound alright?

i think it sounds good. a couple things need clarification. Sentence one: whos grand daughter? You could say the birth of my first great grand daughter. sentence three- This is terrible could probably be left out or added to the next sentence. Sentence 5. Who is Nanny Flowers and why would you just hand the phone to her? Than you talk about leadership being handed down. Leadership in what? the family? a business? and maybe instead of eldest you caould say first born male child. why were you arguing with Nanny? Do we know who she is at this point of the story? and the boat tying thing read wrong to me. I would have said she tied her boat to mine. THats just my opinon tho. OK so this terrible thing of a baby girl being born has happened and you argued with Nanny about it why> Because you wanted nothing to do with the baby girl? ANd if you are so wrapped up in this why would you have more pressing things on your mind and what would those things be?

My phone and bluetooth??

i have a verizon chocolate phone and my friend has the sprint blackberry pearl. She sent me stuff but wen i get it it says " check bluetooth status of receiving device" what does this mean and what do i do?? and how do i send stuff from my verizon chocolate?? thanks so much, jess and erica

In MLA form papers, when writing the title of a book or movie in a sentence, in what format do I put it in?

do I write it in italics? put it in quotes ... like I saw the movie " what dreams may come".????? thanks in advanced!

What do you guys know about the 2010 mazda rx-8's?

I'm practically in love with this car but having trouble convincing my dad into helping me pay for it. (By the way im set for college due to athletics) Can anyone tell me some major benefits to the car? and is 16 city/ 22 highway mpg a good find? any comments and/or concerns would be greatly appreciated.



Excluding the e/m code, what are the correct codes for the facility services?

This 23-year-old female is brought to the RD after being found by her college roommate. Sometime within th elast hour and a half after the roommate left, the patient ingested her entire bottle of verapamil (estimated at over 20 [pills) as a suicide attempt, evidenced by a note. The physician ordered a high-dose glucagon HCl administration as an antidote, consisting of 10mg/100 ml of D5W in an IV over 2 minutes, followed by a 5 mg/100ml of DtW per hour for two more hours. A gastric lavage and aspiration were also performed. The patient's vital signs stabilized and lab work returned to normal over the next several hours. The patient was transferred to an inpatient psychiatric facility for follow-up treatment on her suicide attempt.

How can my 7 year old son make friends at school?

Why dont you have a party for him (Like a starting school party) or invite a few kids to your house and maybe that will change things, but i hope things will get better.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Masturbating myth or tru??

Myth obviously! There is NOTHING can do to make your body age to grow. It's all genetic, which means it is all run by genes. Every single person on Earth is born with all different kind of genes. Even when you going to die, height, weight, etc. its all by genes.

Bonito flakes substitute ?

I need to do a dashi ( flavored stoke with konbu and bonito flakes) for a vegetarian sushi recipe , BUT in the dashi recipe I need 2 cups of bonito flakes ( bonito is a fish) and I don't eat fish... So can I use another ingredient instead of the flakes?

At what time EST will the California Polls close on election day?

I think it would be AWESOME if Obama had 267 electoral votes with a CA win. Then HI would put him over the top early in the morning the next day.

HHH pushes people suprisingly WQ inside?

John Morrison hopefully... he's one of the better wrestlers WWE/ECW has. and he has potential to actually be great

Writing a paper for English, I need help making it flow?

It flows wonderfully! I loved it, but at the same time I hated it. I am so sorry that happened to you. But as a speech, it sounds wonderful. I bet you'll get an A+ :D

Am I doing something wrong? In relationships?

There's nothing wrong with you if you're getting cheated on. Its the guys who are at fault. You deserve better than them. DON'T give into any of them if they wanna go further than kissing. Just don't. If that's why they cheat on you, because you won't sleep with them, they're superficial losers who will end up high school drop outs with a pregnant girlfriend who they'll marry and divorce working at the tire shop down the street. Just sayin.

Do you have an example of doing this scripture: '...always return good for evil'?

Hebrews 12:14 " Make every effort to live in peace with all men and be Holy,without Holiness no one will see the Lord."

Would an Advanced Graphics Adapter help?

I have SiS Real256 graphics incorporated in my motherboard. Would I see better graphics performance if I installed an aftermarket AGP card? The motherboard will accept up to 4x.

What are some good women's shoes for In the Groove (dance game)?

What are some good women's shoes for the dance game In the Groove? I've heard that Nike and Puma are both really good, but what shoe model, exactly? I just need some help for better, traction, better grip, better feel, and lighter weight other than my ordinary tennis shoes (which are too heavy, btw). I just need some recommendations.

If KG didnt return would the Celts make it ped the 2nd round?

I dont think so. Pierce is not good enough to carry them ped the Cavs, Orl or Det without KG and Ray. If one of the 2 goes down Boston will be out in the 2nd round. They would have a better chance without Pierce than without KG or Ray. Ray is the most consistant player and shooter on the team and KG is the pion which drives the Wheelchair

Are there any lebanese people in Atlanta?

There are lots of different types of people in Atlanta. I've seen some lebanese restaurants, so I'm sure there are some lebanese people around.

Query: Would it be acceptable to play loud clical music, whilst driving through the mean streets of Derby?

Which streets in particular? I can think of areas of Spondon where people would die of culture shock!

Fourier series expansion?

you know nothing else about f(t)???....if so then you can let g(t) = sin(Ï€t / L) , an odd function so all a_n = 0...{will not be too interesting}...or you could let h(t) = f(t) and h(t) = h(t + L) even function, so all b_n = 0...and yes IBP will likely be needed

Biology question 10 points?

The mrna that is transcribed in bacterial viruses... does that go into the new virus (lytic cyle)? IF not then how is the rna or dna replicated?

I have a question for all doctors that read this.?

I've been trying to do research on menopause. I haven't really figured out too much. This is over my mother. I'm worried. She never acted as like... weird as she does now. Today i was with a friend and they were like maybe she has menopause. She does NOT have her menstrual anymore. I don't know how many years ago it was, but i want to say any where from 4-6? Or maybe that's too much. She had a surgery done that made it stop because they were too much for her. She has hypo thyroid, but she has medication for it. She is ALWAYS freezing cold. She doesn't usually get very hot, so does this means its because of her thyroid? I almost want to say she's bipolar. I don't know anymore. Could this actually be menopause? Or no?

Anybody have good SAT advice?

Hey. I am 16 years old, in 11th grade and i'm going to be taking the SAT's in may and didn't start studying yet, howveer i do plan on taking a course soon that will help me improve my grade, based on my psat score and what i need help with. but does anybody have any good advice, just general to help me prepare better for the SAT's. If so, any answers would really be appreciated and/ or you can email me at

Why do you think couples who appear on reality shows end up divorcing?

because they get to see what everybody else sees and they dont like ex everyone thought jessica simpson was dumd and nick didnt see it then he saw what we saw he was embarred for his choice in a life long partner and decided otherwise.

What's my shade lip stain?

Something red or purple would look great! I would stay away from pinks if I were you! Corals would be nice in the summertime too!

What Happened To The Green Frog With The Black Hat That Use To Be On The WB?

Michigan J. Frog was buried in a shoebox under a high rise construction site when his contract ran out. Some demolition worker will find him and make a fortune! Check out the video if you don't believe me-

Rifle Scope Prices?

Not sure of the exact price in comparison to whatever AU dollars are..... I can tell you that both Bushnell and Tasco are good scopes for the money.... I have several rifles with these scopes and they have held up excellent.....

Since the gov't can bail out companys now, can they bail me out?

I have a mortgage, car to pay for, and some credit cards to pay for and it's hard. I think the gov't should have no problem bailing me out, since they'll bail out corporations for billions. If they can save these elite CEOs of these banks, they can save me too right? The gov't has a duty to bail me out too. It's only FAIR RIGHT?

BFP? see pics please?

i just took another test with FRER..also a it possible to get 2 evaps at 10 dpo? dont have enough fmu urine to retest with a digital

What will be the condition of earth after 25 years?

i am 16 years old, and i wish i could live up to 85 peacefully. but i heard that after 25 years, the earth will be facing huge crisis. that there will be global warming, flooding, diseases due to depletion of ozone layer, earthquakes and many other scary stuffs. i really got freaked out. i heard that earth will survive for many more years, but my question is will the humans too survive for many years? please give me a detailed explanation. thank u.

ACCPUNTANTS, please help me with this transaction in adkusting trial balance, thanks.?

the notes payable amounting to P360,000 were accepted from several costumers. The notes were issued on september 1, 2009 and will be settled together with a 20% interest on may 31, 2010.

I got a bogus ticket for going thru a stop sign. I requested supporting dep. I didnt get it.?

Can I file a motion to dismiss the ticket. When would I have to bring the motion to court or would I just wait for a court date in the mail and tell them I never got it.

Leonardo Da Vinci help?

I am doing a project on Leonardo Da Vinci. does any of you know where I can get some short clips on him( Doentary). I searched on youtube. please, anyone

Driving with a twin plate clutch?

Right now I have a manual SIR prelude with a normal clutch, but I just bought a 300zx that has a twin plate clutch installed. I was wondering about the differences between driving with one and two plates because I am picking it up tomorrow. Anything you can tell me to prepare me for learning to drive with 2 plates would be great so I know what to expect when learning tomorrow:)

Which suit looks better? Links below?

I like the first one better, I just don't feel the second one at all. It's such a common thing to wear to the office or for a presentation in school. At least for the first one, you can vary what top you wear underneath.

I need a hot girl named Cindy on Facebook? ,Anyone?

So I told my girlfriend who i have a child with but is not really any longer my girlfriend because we broke up over another guy that i started seeing a girl named cindy, why cindy? I dunno, the name came to me. Now I need to find a hot girl named Cindy on Facebook to add, that lives around Moncton New Brunswick Canada. Buuut.... I can't. Anyone on here want to help me out? Any Cindys or finders of Cindys? ONLY in that area tho, no sarcastic crap or negative answers, only actualy answers or i'll report and delete. thanks! :)

Do you believe ity is...?

Of course it's not hereditary. If it was, then heteros and s would live in entirely different cities. A bi might need a pport to go from city to city. Since few uals procreate, ity CANNOT be strictly hereditary. It certainly isn't a phase, either.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Should I just let go?

Dude, I do NOT think you're overreacting one bit! Only you and her can say if it's over for you, but if I were you ( and I was in a very simliar situation) I would definitely take this as a sign that if things are not over they are coming to an impending end. Basically I was in a situation with my ex in that she had feelings for one of her clmates the entire time we were together (1.5 years) but chose me, and continually lied to my face about still wanting this other person. Well I found out the hard way and ended things with her, then realized that maybe I was overreacting and tried to get her back. She then basically told me that she didn't love me anymore and wanted someone else, which just showed me how big the problems with the whole situation really were. If I were you I would take this as a huge warning sign, and suggest marriage therapy to her if you want to save your marriage. However, you sound like a nice guy and that you shouldn't put up with someone who is so very insensitive to your feelings and disrespectful of your marriage.

I constantly see most people as stupid and this makes me mad constantly. Where can I go to relate?

I want to find people of my own intellect who see what i see and can do what i do. Im not trying to brag.

We have a casual ual relationship, why does it take him so long to text me?

we go on dates, we chit chat over text, poe fun at one another.....I see him everyother weekend, we have , I leave whn he falls asleep, he doesn't usually text me the next day, but when we do it's all day. It started that I don't want a relationship, but I want him to care a little more now.

Hey hoo thinks i should starve myself=D?

wut will it do? will i loose weight if so how much do i have 2 "starve myself" 2 loose 10 pounds? when people say "starve" do they mean not eat at all or verry little is drinking ok?

Is bipolar hereditary?

Not directly, but having one or more parents who have Bipolar Disorder (or manic depression) will in many cases increase the likelihood that the children will have mental health issues at some point in their lives particularly depression, and yes, possibly Bipolar Disorder.

My sister has stretch marks from her pregnancy, whats would be a good remedy?

summer is coming up.. she lost all the weight, but a few stretch markss? I have heard of palmers lotion... anything else? anything would help!!

Do you always keep a promise (sooner or later)?

let's see if I can pull off a better answer than "Wow,that's good." So much heart was put into this piece,and for that you are rewarded a gold star! I'm sure someone besides me is happy that it rhymes.... So here I leave you,with your thoughts and sadness,please write another poem soon.

How much can i sell a brand new lamar snowboard with bindings for?

ive never used it and i really need money i live in idaho and there are a lot of snowboarders in winter so its a high demand

I want a recipe for a roast in the crock pot, i just baught it and have never used one... im 19 and learning.?

I baught a center cut roast, a bag of carrots, an onion, a bag of potatos, and a box of onion soup mix... what exactly do i need to do... do i put it all in at once??? i work from 8-4:30 can i leave in all day?? Please help me im trying to learn how to cook, i want it to be really tender to.. any advice or help?? how much water do i put in the crock?

Why do communist revolutions always turn into tyrannical dictatorships in the end?

Because the communist system of government lends itself so easily toward corruption and manipulation. Once the people have been put down and incapacitated, it is easy for one to take over.

Pajama day at school...?

Aw I think the long plaid pants, with the hulk boxers sticking out underneath and a tight shirt would look super cute. I wear boxers under my loose pj pants all the time and I think it looks hot. Maybe wear a cute pair of slippers too. Don't be like all the other girls and go slu**y, because everyone knows a bit of mystery is always ier than having it all hang out.

Has Michael Ramirez pretty much got THE Big O's Sodomized Medicine pegged?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

What type of music is Bella's Lullaby & River Flows In You ?

I love these 2 songs. I want to find more songs like this, but I don't know what type of music it is. Anyone knows ?

Is this a sign of an insecure person or is she controlling?

ummm you being a jerk? what crap. shes just being dumb. no offense to her or anything. but because you didnt call, she didnt pick up for a week? thats just insane. atleast you still called at some point. isnt that good enough? and feeling threatened by a pretty girl. . . .if she knows that yo like her, then she should just be whatever. answer to your question: both, insecure about the girls and all. controlling about being precise on time. etc.

Is height determined by genes or something else?

Genetics plays a large role. However, in order to grow to one's potential height it is necessary to have an adequate diet as a child. This is why for example people in North Korea are much shorter than people in South Korea despite having a very similar ethnic background. There is evidence that the average height around the world is getting taller in modern times because there is more food available and more is known scientifically about what diets are good for people.

Has anybody ever noticed how white racist people study black people?

Yes it is sort of similar to Evangelical Christians who are obsessed with sin and focused on "converting" others to their religion, while at the same time looking down on them as sinners and 'worldly"

I don't know what to do to get a job as they seem non-existent?

Hello, I am coming to you today with the chance of a lifetime. I am pretty sure you have heard about all the extra money people make on the internet. Alot of stories that you hear may not be true, alot of them are scams. But this particular website actually pays you all you they give you your own website and all you have to do is get other people to join under you WOW how easy is that... And thats not the best part GDI(Global Domains International) gives you a 7 day free trial and after the trial its only $10... As long as you have friends to introduce this business to the more money you make>>> you can use facebook,twitter,myspace or any other networking site to get people to join GDI.... People are making this money everyday now its your turn..

Cowboys...most overrated team in the NFL?

I've been looking over answeres and so many people kissing @$$ to the cowboys...I mean they made the playoffs but they're not THAT good. I mean they got Swept by the Giants, and lost by 31 to the vikings in rd 2. and people are tryin to say they're superbowl contenders....come on give me a freakin break... these 5 teams are the superbowl contenders---ravens, redskins, jets, vikings, colts

Are these lyrics good?

Relying way too much on big words, and at the end it just throws the flow way off and makes the song hard to decipher, and what's the good in a song you can't understand..

ADVICE ON HARVARD or other ivy league Schools???

Keep doing what your doing. When it comes to these schools its a crapshoot, i dont care what youve done.but you have a shot and you'll just have to see what happens.

Colombian women Vs American?

I am not talking about physicly but mentally economecly and who do you think is living better. im not here to descrimanate because im both born in colombia and raised in america i just want to hear your opinions and dont be mean. sorry for my spelling!

Is there any way to feel better quick after ingesting too much caffeine??

I had about 3 energy drinks totally 600 mg of caffeine in about 4 hours because I had to stay up to study. It's now 5 hours later and I still feel HORRIBLE. I have a mive headache, stomache and just an all around sick feeling. I tried to take a nap, but that obviously did not work. IS there anyway to feel better, and get this out of my system? I am trying to drink water, but I feel sick even swallowing anything.

Changing grades? i need to convince a teacher to help me...?

my boyfriend has just been told that his gpa doesn't meet the requirements to stay in the track and field team, and the season is close to and end, we are seniors, and he is one of the best runners on the team, but with the grades that he got, he can't stay on the team. Our coach told him that he should talk to the teachers to try to work out a deal, but the teachers that he has are those kind of teachers that the grade they give out is final. The grades are our midterm grades, you can say, and they are not final, but since its half way, the school takes it seriously and without the gpa requirements, he can't participate in any extra curricular activities. I want to try to convince his teachers to boost up his grades just for this report card, but I don't know what to tell them. I mostly want to talk to his Calculus teacher, because my boyfriend is taking AP Calculus AB, and I am taking AP Calculus BC, so I'm thinking of telling his teacher that I will tutor him as much as possible, but I don't know what to do for his AP Physics C cl... I need ideas on how to convince them, whether it may be extra credit, or a deal of tutoring or something. Help me please! Today we have a track meet, and I don't know if my boyfriend will be able to compete, and I want him to be able to stay in the team, because I know that he has what it takes to make it to City Prelims. Help me please, I want to talk to them as soon as possible. Thank you!

Dummies/Pacifiers. To have or not to have?

I agree with them ALL 3 of mine used them when a baby is born they wanna suck it soothes and calms them down. I got rid of my two boys paci's when they where 2 months before turning two it was a comfort item for going to sleep its VERY healthy for a baby to learn to soothe themselves to sleep with a paci blankie etc so it teaches them to be independent my Daughter is 16 months old she still has hers but I will also be taking it away when she gets closer to 2 years old. As far as getting rid of them I just told my boys the paci's went bye bye and they where fussy for about 2 nights and than where over it.

Does anyone have an anxiety story or still have it tell me about it?

Ever since i could remember I had anxiety even at your age but at the time I didn't know what it was. I would get jittery, my heart would race, I felt horrible. I was always afraid to throw up too. I wished I was treated when I was your age because maybe I wouldn't have to go through it know. I have generalized anxiety disorder, OCD and depression. I still am afraid to throw up and I'm 35. I am being treated and I am much better than I was. I feel so bad for people your age going through this it is a scary way to grow up. I hope you get the best treatment for your anxiety. You can get relief from this and I hope you do. I hope the people caring for you realize that you do have an anxiety disorder and you do need help. Good Luck and if you feel like anxiety is coming on you can place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth breath slowly through your nose and exhale out your mouth. Do that a few times. When your heart starts to race you want to try to focus on your breathing to relax. I use to carry around with me a little stone called a worry stone and when I felt the anxiety coming on I would rub the stone until I felt better. Anyway, Good luck

Micro / flex atx compatibility?

If a computer case lists under mobo specs: ATX, flex-ATX, can I use the micro-ATX I already have? I'm guessing I can, as it's just a bit larger, but is this a safe bet?

Poll: How are you celebrating Canada Day today (July 1)?

I'll spell everything with extra u's touday, douwn a litre ouf Black Velvet, and try to sing Ouh Canada!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Question on electrical system grounding?

One disadvantage of not grounding electrical system (consider a DC system) is if one conductor insulation breaks down that will strain the other conductor insulation due to grounding of the former. In that case, for grounded system do we have to give more insulation for ungrounded conductor?

Does anyone know a word with ck in twice?

Please can anyone tell me a word with ck in twice - must be a single word (not blackjack) and english apparently there is only 1.

Do you think elzhi was the best person to do an illmatic remake, hu do u think would have been betr suited?

i felt that he was a perfect fit, of course he isnt as good as Nas but his flow and delivery were impeccable and he had crazy lines tered all over all of the songs

Jews, I have a question about converting to Judaism?

Do you have to be well versed in Jewish theology, history, practices, etc...before a rabbi will typically agree to sponsor you? Meaning should you have done a considerable amount of reading up before talking to a rabbi about converting? I heard rabbis will generally question you a lot when you approach them about converting

Congested nose ONLY at night?

Whenever i go to sleep i lie down and my nose starts getting congested and i get up to go get myself some water... right after i get up it starts going away, then i come back and it gets congested AGAIN and i need help because i use some spray to relive congestion i want to know whats wrong, thx

Men vs Women, who's the stonger ?

who really cares? you're stuck with each other either way so why waste the time, energy and resources looking into it? and in any case the results would just show which is generally those things, it wouldn't say anything about actual people: it'd just be another useless statistic.

A easy tramp you can call a womann?

what makes a married woman loose everything over younger guys this.40. year old trailer trash thought i wanted her she was wrong i just did her where i hated her man those strech marks are sicking she had,4. kids after all it was her fault not mine i was just.18

Anyone here agree its a myth that the Roman Legions was a professional Military Force?

I guess the term 'professional' was applied because they were paid for it and had signed up for a certain period but this is obvious when applying at against our current conceptions of professionalism

How can I find my Beta Code on my Samsung BlackJack II in order to download Skyfire?

The beta code is a code that the Skyfire developers would've sent you in order for you to test the beta version of the mobile browser. It's not something that is igned to a handset.

Hypothetical proposition for reputable breeders...?

I'm no breeder, but how do you ume working dogs were created? People wanted a job done, you got the herding breeds. But is it possible to create an all friendly breed? Meh...well, all dogs need to go through the terrible Chewing and Puppy Stage, so no, not exactly. There will always be that predatory instinct, and what if a dog were to take after a squirrel with an elderly woman being towed behind? Not pretty. Technically, we already have something along the lines of a perfect dog, and that is a dog that has been trained as a guide, but no, not a breed.

What was the difference between Jews and Arabs in the time before the Prophet Mohammed?

there were different semitic tribal groups stretching from turkey to Iran. they had different gods and practises, and many were imilated in other cultures, for example zoroastianism of the persians. The jews were one such tribe that have persisted their religion into modern times. Islam spread quite quickly after founding, by both conquest and missionary work

What does this mean?

It means that player is playing today. Yahoo used to do it just for the pitchers, today they did it for the batters too. Maybe it's a new feature.

CuS (4.22 g) was mixed with excess HCL ad the resulting H2S was collected over water.?

What volume of H2S was collected at 32 Degrees C when the atmospheric pressure was 749 torr? The vapor pressure of water at 32 degrees C is 36 mmHg.

Im a big fan or Garland.And on some websites it says Judy garland was 4' 11�" .Well she doesent look that tall

she seems much taller cuz im that tall and even in heels dont look as tall as her so i was wondering if anyone know fore sure. =] thank you

Heard of or had derby pie?

have you heard of it, had it and where are you from, i now live in cincinnati ohio and they eat it here... but i used to live just 2 hours north of here and had never had it... it is fantastical by the way

How long do you cook a beef tongue on high in a Crock Pot?

I normally cook it about 8 hours on low, but I dont have the time. How many hours on High for a roughly 2.5 lb tongue?

UVA acceptance question??? Help please?

Can you get accepted into UVA if you are a VA resident, have a 3.6 gpa, do one sport all for years all trimesters/semesters, have had 2 internships (one on capitol hill, one another place), done volunteer work at a charity once a week all day (all year long), and volunteered at an animal shelter?

Is this the Beginning of a world wide Web of Deceit?

Net neutrality is just a harmless trojan horse which opens the door to government control of the internet for the first time. Next to come will be regulation, taxes, and censorship. The internet will become the new US Postal Service.

Why doesn't canned meat and 90 second dinner meat not go bad in those little containers?

I thought meat had to be refrigerated for it not to go bad. But, obviously, we have canned beef stew, beef jerky, 90 second meals with chicken, beef, turkey...Are all these things loaded with preservatives? How do these things work?

Picture this President Al Gore and Vice Dennis Kuzinich standing together wouldnt that be hilarious?

But wait put the North Korean dictator in the pic with them wouldnt this be totally hillarious Superman and the space aliens.

Whats the complexity of a binary search algorithm for finding multiple values?

Hi there, I am trying to determine the complexity of a binary search algorithm for finding multiple values. ume, I have a sorted array of 100 elemens that contains two numbers I am looking for. I could, of course, perform a search twice which would bring me to 2*(log2(100)+1). However, since certain steps in the search overlap, the complexity should be lower.

How funny is this - Southee and Nathan couldnt get a wicket and Jesse got one in second over?

its really easy to tell why cz at the end of innings player try to accelerate and they target those 5th or 6th bowlers ,where batsman be more careful with the main strike bowlers.

Do you think these boots are ugly?

sorry but i agree with your grandma did have winter boots almost identical to those in the 90's lol....the way i see it is the only way they would look decent would be if you were wearing black leggings

Need help with identifying this lizard.?

My son found a lizard, about 15 cm total length, dark blue / black head (very pointy), red on the side of his throat, red on the side of his belly with the rest of his belly a yellowish / orange colour, His back is a dark brown / black colour, very scaly tale, when you rub it, it lifts up it's little body and looks like a Miniature crocodile or alligator. Very tame.

Why is this man offering us cash?

I don't think you need anyone to answer this question - you know the answer yourself. An old man offering cash to a pretty young girl? Asking to kiss you goobye. Vowing to get back into shape and look like he did in the 70's. Those are not comments made in a regular conversation with someone you are just socially polite to. You need to get rid of this guy fast. Start jogging a different route. If you run into him and feel forced to say hello, say it but keep moving. Your friendliness has been misunderstood by him as "interest" on your part and that's why he keeps taking things a step further and further. I'm like you - I like to believe in the inherent goodness in everyone, but the unfortunate truth is that there are creeps and perverts out there using various methods to entice people into their lives. He may indeed be a very nice man who is just lonely and likes someone to converse with, EXCEPT for the point that he is escalating his interest in you by asking for a kiss, offering you money - what do you think will be the next thing? The fact that you "feel he is getting way too much happiness by being around me" says that your intuition has already kicked in and you know damn well that you are getting in over your head with this. DO NOT take any cash from this man. If he aults you later and you end up in court, the judge will look very poorly at the fact that you took money from him. The old man can use as his defense that by taking cash he umed you were agreeing to go further with him. If your sister sells the business she will get her commission - that money is legal. Any cash you take out of his hand is questionable.

Get back with my ex or nah ?

Okay heres a quick version of the story. I dumped my ex for no reason at all, mainly coz my mates told me. Stupidest mistake ever, and i hell regret it. its been abut 6 months now and we hardly talk. I told a mate who was also my ex's mate that i would really like to get back with him. My ex replied saying he would if i would "put out more & start talking to him again heaps. this doesnt bother me, but its really hard to start convos with him, and he rarely approaches me becaause of what happened before. what can i say to start convos with him with out it being hell akward.

I need a black dress..?

so i need to find a black dress for a banquet for my dance team and i haven't had any luck, so i'm asking for suggestions. i've tried dillards, macys, white house black market and all of that stuff so please don't suggest that. i feel like i've looked everywhere but i know there has to be more places out there. please help me! i'm sixteen.

Where can I buy a white boiler suit?

I need a white boiler suit. I really want to be able to get it in a shop rather than online, any ideas?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Is it safe to eat expired soup?

I have some soup booster that looks like this a href=",r:5,s:0&biw=1024&bih=508" rel="nofollow"…/a ...and it says best by 03.03.2011 . is it safe to eat?

How do I know if a co-signer is "SECONDARY" vs. "PRIMARY"?

Ok, I have a student loan. . . the bills come under my name, everything is under my name. However, my Father is a co-borower, how can I tell if he's secondary vs. primary?

What was the main cause for the downfall of the U.S. economy?

Greed and Capitalism are easy to blame but the real reason why things like the housing bubble busted and the mortgage crisis is as a result of years of politicians and non profits such as ACORN forcing firms to lend to people they wouldn't normally lend to. Sometimes through legislation or through the fed's ability to flood the market with cheap credit. This money all went into the housing market creating the crisis we see today.

Kick's question of the day.?

No. It's already grounds for dissolving the marriage and having one spouse seize the ets of the cheating one. I can't think of a more fair and just punishment than that.

How do i stop liking this guy?

i had this problem to, but i was in love with him. What i did was think why did i even love him and after he left i found there wasn't anything i loved about him anymore. I was able to get over it after awhile. So Good Luck. ^_^

Could I be pregnant? Should I pee on the stick? Hmmmm.... I need advice ASAP!?

I am 27 years old and and never had children. Previously last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and my GYN prescribed me Provera 10 mg just to keep my uterus lining healthy. I didn't want to start clomid or anything 'cause I really wasn't trying to get pregnant rioght away. The GYN got the diagnosis from my LH levels in my blood. I never got an ultra sound to verify if I has cysts on my ovaries or not. Long story short I was on the Provera from April 2009-October 2009. When the month of November '09 came I started my first period on my on. So I stopped taking the Provera. Every since then it has been coming every 22 days every month. Until this month. I am two days late for my cycle?? The first day of my last period was March 18, 2010. I am wondering am I really pregnant this time. I am scared to take a pregnancy test because I don't know how I would take it if its turns out to be negative. I have been researching symptoms and I haven't had any except for mild acne..but I am unsure of that because of the issue with PCOS, and that's a side effect/symptom of PCOS. Also this morning I felt nausea. And that's it. Oh..I also was craving chicken burritos all week long last week. I am went to and I caculated my possible due date and how far along I may be if I am. And it stated that I could be 4 weeks, and if pregnant my due date would be December 24. Which would be so cool b/c my sister-n-law is pregnant and she is due December 7th. I don't know what do. My husband keeps telling me to pee on the But I don't want to get my hopes up high. Ughhhh...Please give me some advice A.S.A.P. Thanks in advance.

Are a lot of people using IT services?

I am curious if a lot of people are using IT repair memberships. My computer crashed a month ago and I called Dell but unfortunately I was past my warranty service. I called the Geek Squad and was told they could fix it for no less than $200. After probing around the internet I came across this service that would remotely fix my computer and continue to give me 24/7 tech support for a small membership fee. To make a long story short they fixed my computer in one hour and I didn't even have to sit in front of my computer waiting. He told me that I could put my phone on speaker and go about my business and he would let me know when he was done. wow, I had no idea there was a service out there like this one! I have called them repeatedly over the course of the month that I have been signed up and they have not let me down yet. Is this a new service or am I just clueless? I think it is the best thing since sliced bread. Ghost Repair 1-888-697-5061 yall have to check it out, give'em a call. I'm going to tell my boss about them too, were always having problems at work with our computers and the boss thinks he is a computer whiz.

Having trouble finding any of my grandads ww2 military records? ?

If you have a copy of his DD214 (discharge papers), or his name and social security number and such you can go online to the VA, or in person, and get his full military record. You will need to be able to prove you are family.

Motion to Vacate a Default Judgment due to Improper Service?

You would have to file a motion to set-aside judgment and award a new trial - based on improper service. Contact the clerk of your court - they may even have blank forms that you can use.

Why do people say Jordan is the greatest of all time???!!!!?

Okay i want somebody to give me one GOOD reason to say he's greatest of all time...i'm not a jordan hater but i think his legacy far surpes what he did.!!! if you say because of stats...bill russel is GOAT..if you say because if rings...Bill Russel is GOAT...if you say because leadership...HELL theres plenty of great leaders who lead their team to finals!! for example...(bird, magic. wilt. russel, tim duncan, kobe, and the list goes on!!!) give me one good reason that people say jordan is the best...and say something he did that no one HAS EVER DID BEFORE??!!!!! i say that because theres nothing he has done that somebody has already did!!!

Does genetics & evolution undermine the Adam and Eve story? But then, don't we have a common ancestor.?

It's completely impossible isn't it? Because the inbreeding would cause all offspring to be infertile/unviable within a few generations? But then, all humans MUST have a common ancestor, stemming from the first male/female primates to evolve into humans, surely? (Or when a new species evolves, do thousands of new organissm aquire the mutations to survive the new environment, and thus there is such variety.)

What exactly does a Beta Tester do?

Hi! My friend wanted to be a beta tester for an ipod app company, but she wants to know exactly what it is even though they said she could after she sent them her UDID (what is that by the way?) Anyway, we wanted to know exactly what it was before she said the final yes. We would like an answer as soon as possible, so 10 points best answer!

If you ferment tomato longer will it have a larger amount of ethanol? why or why not?

Longer than what? There's hardly any sugar in it to be converted. Once it is fully converted, you won't get any more alcohol. What will happen is that bacteria will take over, and you may get an acetobacter that converts the alcohol into vinager.

Why is the Judicial system so biased towards whites?


How do I make a song in FL Studio 10?

Go to the Wizard Ruru on Youtube. He has plenty tutorials. That's how I learned a lot about Fruity Loops..

Should Hillary dump Obama as her Vice Presidential running mate, and go with NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer?

All I can say is bring it on, I will vote for McCain, but I do want to thank the dems for all the entertainment this year to date. Stay tuned, it can only get better!....Say what you want about the Clintons, they are very entertaining.

Help pausing a program in dev c++?

There's a few different ways you can do that. The best way to do it is to put a sleep command at the end of the program. The syntax is sleep(int), where int is the number of seconds you want the program to pause. If you want it to pause for an indefinite period of time, you could alternately just use a blank cin >> line that would freeze the program until a key is pressed. But, if it were me, I'd just use the sleep command.

DId anyone ever have this toy?

Yeah I had it but the name of it is "Flarp". I guarantee that you can find it at Walgreens or Walmart in the toy section.

Why can't TV shows use trademarked names?

They CAN use the names, but usually require a payment from the trademark owner to do so. It's called product placement. No pay: no show.

Long Missed Chow Mien?

For many decades there was a Chinese restaurant in Oakland California that went under the name Al’s then Kim Ling. They have long since closed. They used to serve a dish there called Pork & Gravy Chow Mien. Anybody know the recipe?

Why do the libs cry whenever a fiscally responsible person becomes?

The people who milk the system are slobs not libs, if all libs were slobs it would be a very different country

What is the name of this car video game?

From 90s -- you drive a red car shooting at other cars and a spaceship drops a laser/laser cannon on the roof of the car

How to organize myself before spring semester starts? Give me tips and advice please!!?

proscrastination is the thief of time. u gotta get out of it. not easy. plan timing, rest periods, no junk food. exercise. study 6 to 9 hours. no distractions. all the best

Why do Republicans hate the children of Senegal?

If we have to cut, I vote we cut the foreign stuff first, the gravy train is over and it is high time the moochers and leechers found that out.

Does anyone know where I can find the piano sheet music to the song You Told Me You Loved Me?

You Told Me You Loved Me is a song by Cinematic Sunrise. This is a side-project by Chiodos. I want it for piano. I usually depend on Pianolicious, but they don't even have it. And I would like some sort of link to a website. Free and immediatly printable. I love this song.

What does he mean by this?

me and this guy were texting and he said something about going on a date, but he told me that day he was going to move back home, [from lpool to stoke] and i basically said whats the point if your going to be living in stoke, but told him not to take that in a bad way.. and he just said lol its fine, and then i said im curious, and he said 'it was just a cold hard fact'.. but dont quite get what he means by that... what is a cold hard fact?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Has anyone else ever received a chain letter with 6 names that send $1 to?

I received a letter with 6 names on send $1 dollar each name...make 200 copies...take top name off add your name...when u send your money say you want to be added to their mailing list...states that this was shown on Ophra and 20/20 and completely legite because you are selling a svc...and in 2 months time should receive around $170,000/.....hmmmm just wondering if I'm too naive too actually think people do this and make money...any comments? or has anyone ever done this?

Human kind should not inhabit other planets?

"Man qua Man" is not a "pathogen." Learn what "Man qua Man" is, and you will discover that the best kinds of men achieve that "qua," and worst either don't know about it, or don't care in which case they become criminals or hedonists.

Is it okay to name my adopted baby Snooki? **I NEED YOUR OPINION**?

Sorry, Snooki will be SUPER cute when it's a kid, but not when it gets older. Like think of it, "Hey, Snooki, how was school, did you make the track team?" Or something like that (first thing that came to mind). Sorry.

How much would a transmission for a 1995 dodge neon cost?

i drive a little red 1995 plymouth neon and really love it. its in wonderful condition and i really like the way it drives. however, the transmission just went. the transmission in it is original to the car, and my car is 15 years old so it was only a matter of time before it went. i have chosen to replace the transmisison instead of getting another car. due mostly to lack of funds and a cosigner...and due partly because of my love for the car. does anyone know about how much a transmission would cost me?

A Question for Marijuana Users and Growers.?

Wow, so not the place for this. Try the forums at a href="" rel="nofollow"

1994 caprice cooling fans not working please help me.?

Your problem is telling me that you have a ground problem in the wiring or the where the wires are hooked up at.Clean the area of the sensor and re-try hooking the wires back up to the sensor.Your not getting a good ground or the sensor is bad even being new they can be bad.

South of Nowhere?

I watched the end of South Of Nowhere (the episode where Chelsea goes to the hospital.) I didn't understand what they said. Did Paula say, "We are having a girl." or did she say, "It would have been a girl." Did she lose the baby? Thanks!

Why does it seem that so many people these days are afraid to look older? To look their age?

I think media has a huge part to play in this. Look at some of the stars out there. Will do anything to stay looking youthful. I personally would rather grow old gracefully then have surgery after surgery to the point where my face doesn't function right.

Is there a way to thaw frozen blueberries without them getting soggy?

I want to add frozen berries to yogurt for breakfast, because they're cheaper, but they get so soggy.

How can I find a Christian Lebanese Penpal?

I am a Christian, and I would like to learn more about the Christians in Lebanon, and also I would like to have a Penpal.

Why are my biscuits gooey and always spreading out?

Whenever I make cookies the mixture always spreads on the tray when cooking and the biscuits run into each other. It like I should have made a slice rather than biscuits. What have I done wrong? The cookies are jam drops- fairly straightforward. Contains things like flour, caster sugar, er, baking powder and a few other things. I have followed this recipe from a book.

Can you help me out please???

Im in 8th grade, and I have a slight knowledge of this subject, and Im going with: "the alleles of the white-tailed deer in this population only"

The Ups and Downs of Nursing?

Well, for one thing, I'm sorry to hear that. If your girlfriend is a CNA (Certified Nursing istant) it comes with the job. You make it sound like she's the only person that endures that kind of treatment at work. Well let me tell you something, lotsa women and men are nurses and they endure the challenges of lifting heavy patients and wiping *** all day. The majority of women in my family are CNA's and couldn't get past it because of how hard the cles are at college, so you know what? Let her pursue what she wants because maybe she wants to better herself and become a hot shot RN earning big bucks! By the sound of it, I don't think she likes CNA work, but go to school, get the shiny RN liscence, and everything will be smooth sailing. I'm trudging through hard times in pursuit of entering the nursing program, it's very hard. My mother is a CNA and does the exact same work your gf does, only with hormonal post -op partum women. It's hard, I know it is. Once again, I'm sorry your gf is going through that. I'll keep my best regards for her.

How do you add an additional Moderator to my group?

Recently I was part of a group in which the moderator ped away/ As part of the group I was given his responibilty as secretary and am not able to approve new members to join our group, so I have created a new group in which we want to have a couple of moderators to be able to handle the group.

If bjp collapses,wont it be some sort of dictatorship!!?

I don't think bjp is strong opposition , they cant be strong party ever , they based on fanatic religious policy ,should come another strong seculer party as opposition

How to close a Yahoo Group?

I am the only moderator of a small group, 30 members. Out of that only 2 other members regularly respond. We haven't had messages for a year with one exception when I sent out a message asking if anyone was around. The group owner is gone. As moderator she only gave me limited moderator abilities, so I don't have the ability to close the group. I can't leave as that has also been removed as an ability - which I think is weird, there you have it though. Its a dead group. Question - how can I have it shut down OR how can I promote it, so that it is active again. Any help is appreciated.

How can i take a movie and edit it so i can be in it?

i don't know a free software but there are green screen softwares that you can buy for like $100 Sony Vegas is one of them.

Fuji Film.. Question for professionals.. Why is it so blue...?

I don't like the fuji process. There is a blue haze over everything. If I am shooting 35mm or even format camera film, whats the best process out there these days that you can find, that would give you kodachrome type colors for professional or semi professional work... Whats the best online processing lab?

What does this poem mean?

It's a love song to her baby, though I read it a bit more charitably than the responder above. She feels as though the child is too magnificent, too elemental to have come from her.

Where can I rewatch the Raiders vs. Broncos game?

i had to work today so I missed most of the game however I was being kept posted on it. Obviously with a game like that i want to rewatch it online. Anyone know a site where I can rewatch the entire game in decent quality for free? Raider-haters don't bother posting your B.S. retarded-*** responses I don't want to hear it, find something better to do than look for posts to write your hater responses on! Go RAIDERS!!!

Roaring twenties Research help.!?

write about social aspects, baseball, flappers and teh adcancement of women in society, interesting cases such as Sacco and Vanzetti, Jazz music, radio,movies, consumer spending leading to the great depression, prohibition, and i could go on! good luck!

Whats your take on ed believers?

I think it's more important what God will say to them. I think God will say, "I love you, Child."

What kind of fast growing evergreen tree can be planted in an area that gets little sun?

The company that I work with prefers Candian Hemlock. Check the source below for the full description.

Mike Vick to the broncos?

They could use a quarterback, Kyle Orton's ok but im sure they would like something better. Why not bring in Vick during camp and see if he's at his old form?

Where do I find in detail the New York State dietary regulations for a long term nursing home?

its all regulated by the govt..look it up on the net..look up NY state, nursinghome regulations, and something about omnibus laws.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What is the song from the 1950's, jitterbug era, that has "rock" in the title?

This song is NOT by Elton John (Crocodile Rock), but it is played on the piano and is called "????? Rock". I believe it may also just be instrumental.

Who else thinks the superbowl half time show sucked?

terrible, usher showed up and i thought he was gonna save the show and he said like 2 words btw fergie is AWFUL

Advice please on Leasehold Property?

I would contact a solicitor, i know that freeholders can have some say over the outside of the property e.g building a conservatory but i have never heard of anything like this before. You could also try speaking to the citizens advice.

Is it possible to be an engineer without an engineering degree?

I think you have to break it down to the industry that you are speaking of distinctively. In a civil industry for example you would have your PEs since they have to be certified to stamp designs and such. In the type of industry I work in, Military R&D I don't know a single engineer with their PE. A lot of these engineers have their doctorates and have been working for 20+ years but does it not make them engineers if they haven't taken a PE certification exam? Also if in industry two people are performing the exact same job functions shouldn't they have the same job title no matter what their degree is? Job titles describe what you do in your current position, not what degree you received.

I need some facts about Julius Caesar?

I need some facts about Julius Caesar. I'm talking about the Roman dictator not the play. Please provide as many facts as you can about him. I really need help.

How do tax write offs work?

My sister says that she has a consulting job on the side, and that when she flies to visit family or whatever she "writes it off" on her taxes. I donated 80 bucks to a charity and the guy said it was tax deductible, but when i filled out my taxes there was no place for me to enter in that information. I would like to know how tax write offs work, if there are monetary restrictions (do i have to make a certain amount to qualify?), and step by step (if possible) how to fill out the forms to get my money's worth. Thank you!

R& you like my poem? :]?

ye are good at rhyming, i actually wrote a poem last year and got an A, it was based off of Pinball Wizard, but i still don't like poetry a lot.

Will i be able to get a RAL?

STOP! Don't even look for a refund anticipation loan. It is about the worst deal you can find and just made for suckers. Save a bunch of money by efiling and having direct deposit of your refund in about two weeks.

When someone is hypnotized, do they remember anything after the hypnosis?

do they remember what they were doing while they were hypnotized or is it like sleeping, they dont know anything?

Whats the average age for the menopause to start in the US and UK?

Really depends on the person and also depends on the medication (pills) you take to regulate them, but if no pills have been taken late 40's early 50's

Was Leonardo DiCaprio really crazy on shutter island or was it all a ploy?

He was really crazy. He suffered from a delusion triggered by the emotional trauma in his life. This delusion would periodically regress under treatment and his real self would emerge for short periods. At the end he was going for his final "treatment" - I doubt a sane person would submit to that.

What is your caption for this priceless pic. ?

My caption would be "Priceless",lol,no matter if he didnt get his 100,he has put his country in a good position & hope,he would reach that mark of 3 figures in the next innings & make it the most memorable one of all!

How do i clean my minnetonka moccasins?

I have a pair of soft suede minnetonka moccasins and they need a cleaning! how should I go about doing that without harming them?

I am a citizen of india and my spouse is from sri lanka how to apply for irish visa?

i am an indian citizen and my spouse is from lanka. i have got my green card permit to ireland. So in this case, if i apply from india, then should my spouse have to wait till i get my visa to apply for him in Sri lanka, or he can apply with my green card permit copy at the same time when i apply in india. please reply?

What age did you start?

Bottle breaking your child. My daughter is 11 months and she is down to having 3 bottles a day. She will have one when she gets up, one in the middle of the day and then another before bed. I have been trying to gradually breaking her. But Im curious on when to actually break her of the bottle. Also when did you break them from the pacifier. Im wanting to break her of the bottle first and then work on the pacifier.

Does anyone know any interesting people or topics I can write an essay on?

the essay can't be anymore than 250 words (thats not enough freakin room!!!) and it has to be non-fiction and perferable something I cad describe well in a short amount of space

A mans thoughts on settling down with a promiscuous woman?

I don't discuss my ual past with other lovers, therefore they can't know how they compare with regard to appearance or skill or any other factor...nor will they know how many partners I've had (it's not appropriate, and just asks for trouble)...

My company will be filling as an LLC this year with two equal partners. Should we file as an S or C corp?

Not really a tax guy. 2 years ago the company was a sole proprietorship now with the new partner I'm not sure what changes should have been made as far as doentation and pre-paying taxes to the IRS. Being an LLC will the two partners split profit and then be taxed or will the LLC be taxed as well as the income from the two partners?