Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Christians- To the ones that think onece you are saved you are always saved?

Did you know that the word of God says without Holyness nobody will see the Lord. And God means every word of it. Faith without works is dead. So if you go to church and belive in Jesus and confess Jesus but still get drunk everyday, comitt murder, commit fornification( before marrage) take drugs such as cocain etc and you die without repentin you will end up in hell. If you go to church and do not tithe even it is a small amount you will go to hell. The world of God says that you must give 10 percent of your income. If you do not tithe you are robbing God and he will not bless you. The world says chose this day whom you will serve. Are you a luke warm christian or are your cold or are you on fire for God? You will know a tree by its fruit. Jesus did say the road to life is hard and narrow and a few people enter it. Your name will be removed from the book of life if you commit any of the above. Jesus said the lying, unbelieving, the ual immoral, slander, adultary, murdere will

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