Monday, August 8, 2011

The Ups and Downs of Nursing?

Well, for one thing, I'm sorry to hear that. If your girlfriend is a CNA (Certified Nursing istant) it comes with the job. You make it sound like she's the only person that endures that kind of treatment at work. Well let me tell you something, lotsa women and men are nurses and they endure the challenges of lifting heavy patients and wiping *** all day. The majority of women in my family are CNA's and couldn't get past it because of how hard the cles are at college, so you know what? Let her pursue what she wants because maybe she wants to better herself and become a hot shot RN earning big bucks! By the sound of it, I don't think she likes CNA work, but go to school, get the shiny RN liscence, and everything will be smooth sailing. I'm trudging through hard times in pursuit of entering the nursing program, it's very hard. My mother is a CNA and does the exact same work your gf does, only with hormonal post -op partum women. It's hard, I know it is. Once again, I'm sorry your gf is going through that. I'll keep my best regards for her.

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