Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Could I be pregnant? Should I pee on the stick? Hmmmm.... I need advice ASAP!?

I am 27 years old and and never had children. Previously last year I was diagnosed with PCOS and my GYN prescribed me Provera 10 mg just to keep my uterus lining healthy. I didn't want to start clomid or anything 'cause I really wasn't trying to get pregnant rioght away. The GYN got the diagnosis from my LH levels in my blood. I never got an ultra sound to verify if I has cysts on my ovaries or not. Long story short I was on the Provera from April 2009-October 2009. When the month of November '09 came I started my first period on my on. So I stopped taking the Provera. Every since then it has been coming every 22 days every month. Until this month. I am two days late for my cycle?? The first day of my last period was March 18, 2010. I am wondering am I really pregnant this time. I am scared to take a pregnancy test because I don't know how I would take it if its turns out to be negative. I have been researching symptoms and I haven't had any except for mild acne..but I am unsure of that because of the issue with PCOS, and that's a side effect/symptom of PCOS. Also this morning I felt nausea. And that's it. Oh..I also was craving chicken burritos all week long last week. I am went to www.babycenter.com and I caculated my possible due date and how far along I may be if I am. And it stated that I could be 4 weeks, and if pregnant my due date would be December 24. Which would be so cool b/c my sister-n-law is pregnant and she is due December 7th. I don't know what do. My husband keeps telling me to pee on the stick...lol. But I don't want to get my hopes up high. Ughhhh...Please give me some advice A.S.A.P. Thanks in advance.

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